Where are homepage restored? |
The pages are stored in a server whose platform may be
UNIX, VMS or Window NT. You have account to access the
server to store your pages.
How to get a server access? |
A: In
this class, we use window NT (drexel) as server. First
you apply a pearl(NT) account , store your files in this
account, drexel server will automatically map files from
What is personal homepage's website? |
A: "htpp://drexel.cstp.umkc.edu/your
username/" is your homepage website, when you type
this site, server will look for "default.htm"
in your account which is your first homepage, and then
you can use hypertext link to link next page, and so on. if
Your create an it222 directory in pearl, your homepage
website should be "http://drexe.cstp.umkc.edu/your
username/it222/ "
Q4. What
is relationship between server and Browser? |
browser may be Netscape or explorer. When you type your
website, browser will send a message according HTTP to
server, and server locates the related file to this
website, and send that file back to browser, and browser
displays it. See example
Q5. Why is
the Window NT server used? |
this class, we use Window NT(drexel) as server,
because it is graphic system, NT support ASP
technology which make webpage interactive.
Q6. Do we
have any due dates for assignments? |
We run the Live
Lecture and Web sections in a similar manner. There are
suggested due dates on the Calendar, but these are soft
due dates. You can always go back and re-do or
upgrade an assignment if you want to improve your grade.
If you want a grade for the current semester, just be
sure to have everything done by finals week.
.Q7. How to
beginning to build homepage? |
make sure you have FrontPage or dream waver, or other
html editor. also you should have graphic editor if you
want to rich your pages . second,
you can build your "default.htm" page, and make
some links to next page.
Q8. How to copy a
picture from internet? |
A: Put cursor on the picture, and
click right button of mouse, there is a pop menu , select
save command.
Q9. How to make a
hypertext link? |
when you use FrontPage editor,
first select the text or picture, and then select insert
menu in menu bar, and then select hyperlink command.
Q10. How to
automatically load back sound? |
Refer to Back
sound example
Q11. Where to find
html tutorial? |
You find html tutorial in IT222
resource directory or "http://www.cstp.umkc.edu/html/technical/home.html"
Q12. How to use FTP? |
is WS_FTP95LE graphic interface, see FTP tutorial.Another is
command interface.
Select start manue, and select program files, select command Prompt.
There is a pop
window, and select the director which your file locates, at $ prompt,
"ftp marge.cstp.umkc.edu", and input your user name and
password, and set transfer
mode as bin or ASCII (plain text), use get command to retrieval file
from marge, and
send command to put file into marge.
Q13. How to draw
table? |
See table example and draw table instruction. Using table to layout images
How to find smil tutorial? |
smil tutorial
Q15. How to make
smil file? |
build a smil file smil file, then build a link to this smil file ,see example .
How to insert a video and audio
clip? |
Use codes "<embed src="Friends.asx"
name="video" autostart=true
volume=50% loop=true controls=smallconsole
height="128"> "<embed src="hello.wav"
name="audio" autostart=true
loop=true controls=smallconsole
width="128" height="128"> <p>
is the graphic not in the right
position when it shows in browser? |
A: see answer
does CV mean? |
CV stands for Curriculum Vitae...it is like a
Master Resume that includes
all your academic accomplishments as well as
all your job related
experience. It is what you use for a
resume in the Academic world.
A CV is a biographical resume
listing jobs, training, career overall.
CV is short for the Latin phrase
"curriculum vitae" (the running of
the course of your life - currere = to run,
vita = life or vivere = to
How to find the default page? |
if your homepage is named as default.htm. if
it's not, you have
to give the file name after
2. if you put your page in your NT account
directly. if not, you have
to give the forder name in your
URL, such as username/fordername/filename
3. if you use the correct URL http://drexel.cstp.umkc.edu/username
4. if you use frontpage2000 to create your
homepage, notice that if the
extension of the file is hidden
when you save your file. if it's hidden,
you will get the file as "default.htm.htm"
Q20.Where is the link to Quiz page?If this is the right link http://dancer.cstp.umkc.edu/Quiz/pwd_login.asp
then I will also need valid password for it.
Yes, that is the link, and yes, you will need your VU password (above) in
order to access it. We will also have to add you to the access list, so
give us a couple of days to do that. Then you can take all the quizzes you
Q21. About the quizzes, when do we supposed to take them, anytime we want?
Since we don't need to have book for this class I'm assuming
that all the quizzes will be based on lecture notes, right?
is correct. On all counts.
We do not have a text for the class
because we cover such a variety of
topics. You can take the quizzes
anytime you want, as many times as you
want. The quizzes are based on
lecture materials on the Web. It
is not material that needs to be
memorized. You simply need to be
able to demonstrate familiarity with
information. I suggest that you
have the quiz in one window, and the
lecture notes in the other window
Q22.How to use Windows
Explorer? |
This tutorial
will show how to set optimal options of
windows Exporer.
Q23.How to use
Frontpage2000? |
This tutorial
will show how to use Frontpage2000.
Q24.How to use table to
layout images? |
This tutorial
will show how to use table to layout images
Q25.How to use scanner? |
This tutorial
will show how to use scanner in Lab 463
Q26.How can I login
window NT account in CSTP? |
This tutorial
will show the information of Window NT.
Q27.What is ASP and how to use it?
tutorial is ASP basic, you can also
find form information.