1. Exchange Email FAQ


2. Get a new NT account

I wanted to let everyone know what is going on with NT accounts.  Normally I give accounts based on email requests at any point in the semester.  This semester with the changes in demand for NT, we are assigning NT accounts to all new CSTP students.  Basically, if they get a VMS account, they will get an NT account for our labs.

I intend to have all the new NT accounts added at the start of next week (Aug. 28).  Due to several circumstances beyond my control, I am running behind in getting the labs (re-)configured; that is first priority at the moment.  Rest assured as soon as I can get everything up and running I will get these accounts added.

3. what is your new password

Your first password is a blank, so just hit Return/Enter, and you will be prompted for a new password. To change your password, you just need to press Ctrl, Alt & Delete keys together after entering your NT account, then you can see a "windows NT security" window. After selecting the "change password", you can change your password now.

4. FTPing into Windows - cstp NT account information

For quite some time you have been able to FTP into your NT user directory via marge.cstp.umkc.edu.  Now that everything is moved, I have a new FTP server running on the new machine. From now on, when you want to FTP to and from your Windows directory, please FTP into the following address: pearl.cstp.umkc.edu. You MUST enter your username in the following format: umkc-cstp-nt\your-NT-username. The umkc-cstp-nt is *ESSENTIAL* to your being able to login to the FTP server since Pearl cannot authenticate domain logins. Please do not FTP anything into Marge anymore.  I will disable the FTP server on Marge in order to minimize confusion.  If you have updated something on Marge today (8/16/00) or yesterday (8/15/00) please let me know and I will copy the updated information over manually.

5. NT user files -- some changes on NT

I have moved the NT user files from Marge onto the new server, named Pearl.  The new location for manual drive mappings should look like this: \\pearl\users. Please remap any manual connections (like via Citrix or any from your local computer that use the local login as opposed to UMKC-CSTP-NT) to this new mapping.  If you have updated files today (8/15/00, Wednesday) on Marge's share, please let me know and I will recopy your directory over to the new server.

Just to be on the safe side, it would be a good idea for you all to logout of your local machines and to log back in if you are using the domain login via UMKC-CSTP-NT (in which case you have the Y: drive mapped automatically). If you are logging into your local machine, you do not have to login again, you just need to change your drive mapping.

6. How can I connet to my NT account from home

If you want to transfer your files from your NT account to your local disk or vice visa, you may need to use FTP tool. You have two ways to get a copy of FTP:

1. Get a UMKC dialup CD.  WS_FTP is on there.  The price is free.

2. Go to http://cws.internet.com/ftp-price.html .  This page ranks how good the FTP clients are.  And sorts them by price. Notice that one of them is FREE.

You also can get some useful information about FTP from the point 4.

7. for more questions

If you have more questions about your NT account, you can send email to BIT-MM@cstp.umkc.edu. We will do our best to help you. Or, you can contact to Mr. Mike Schreiber. His email address is johnms@cstp.umkc.edu