CS 100 Computer Concepts Overview


Welcome to the first module of the CS100 course.

If you are new to computers you probably have many questions. If you are really new to computers, you may not even know what questions to ask. This module gets you started by outlining three general categories. Just about everything you will learn in this course fits nicely into one of the following categories:

  1. Components of a computer system. This unit discusses the physical components (CD-ROM, monitor, etc.) of a computer system. At the end of this unit you should be able to read a computer advertisement and toss around words like megahertz and gigabyte in social situations.
  2. The Windows Operating System. Computer components by themselves are really dull and lifeless. It takes computer programs or software to bring them to life. This unit discusses the Windows operating system--the foundation software program.
  3. Microsoft Office. Finally, what you came here to learn about. In this unit we introduce the office automation tools that are the subject of the other modules in this course. We also discuss briefly what makes a group of applications a suite of applications.

The units in this module cover mostly concepts. You won't learn how to change a hard drive, or install Microsoft Office, but you will learn a few definitions and concepts that will help you organize and understand the information in the remaining modules.

Our recommendation for completing this module is to complete each of the following units in order followed by the assignment at the end of Unit 3.


  1. Components of a Computer System
  2. The Windows Operating System
  3. Office 97 Application Suite
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Copyright 1997 by the Curators of the University of Missouri