CS 100: Computer Survival: Applications (3 Credit hours)
A Virtual University Offering from Computer Science Telecommunications
Course Description
This course is 100% web-based. There are NO mandatory class times. You will proceed at your own pace.
Successful completion of the course is entirely in your hands. In order to complete this course successfully
you must either have a home computer of your own or have access to a computer at the UMKC labs or
other public access computers. Additionally, since the best way to communicate with me is via e-mail, you
MUST establish an e-mail account OF YOUR OWN. I recommend one of the free e-mail sites on the Internet
such as can be found at http://www.hotmail.com, or http://www.yahoo.com I will not respond to student
e-mail sent from an e-mail account that belongs to someone else.All e-mail correspondence to the instructor MUST include your student ID and real name. We have long
since stopped trying to identify students from e-mail addresses.This course covers essential computer skills and concepts. The emphasis is on using the computer as a tool to enhance productivity. Students will learn how to create word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation documents using the Microsoft Office suite of applications. Students may use either Microsoft Office 97 OR Microsoft Office 2000 to complete the course requirements. Students may not use any other office suite software package such as Microsoft Works or Word Perfect. In addition, you must use Microsoft Office on an IBM compatible computer - not a Macintosh. If you want to use your home computer to complete the coursework, you must have Microsoft Office 97/2000. If you do not have the software and you don't want to purchase it, then you can use any IBM compatible computer at any computer lab on the UMKC campus. They all have Office 97/2000 loaded.
Not applicable to Computer Science major requirements. Prerequisites: basic math skills including fractions and percentages.
Mike Strong
Room 450K, Flarsheim Hall, 5100 Rockhill
Phone: (816) 235-2349 (response usually within 24 hours)
E-mail: cs100help@cstp.umkc.edu
Office Hours: By appointment only. Best way to communicate with me is via e-mail.Text Book and Supplies
A text book is recommended but not required for this course. A text book is something tangible you can take with you and read anywhere. A text book may also provide an alternative explanation for some of the concepts and skills covered in this course.
There are two text books I recommend (recommendations for Office 2000 are forthcoming),
- Microsoft Office 97 Professional, by Toliver & Johnson, Addison-Wesley. ISBN: 0-201-32246-3 (Note1 - this book is no longer available on direct order from Microsoft) (Note2 - this book comes in a hermetically sealed box, and from the outside there is no indication that the box contains this book. The box is labeled, Benjamin/Cummings TechSuite.)
NEW VERSION OF THIS BOOK:- Projects for MS Microsoft Office 97 Professional, by Toliver, Johnson & Koneman, Addison-Wesley. ISBN: 0-201-438674
- Running Microsoft Office 97, Updated Edition, by Young & Halvorson, Microsoft Press. ISBN: 1-57231-889-9.
Microsoft Office 97 Professional doesn't assume any prior computer experience. It walks you through each skill step-by-step and includes lots of screen shots. If you are new to computers I recommend this book.
If you have used a computer before, and just want to learn how to use the applications in Office 97, I recommend Running Office 97. It covers introductory as well as advanced topics in a clear and concise way. This book will also make a great reference after you are finished with the course.
Unless you will be working from your own computer where you can store your files, you will need (2) 3½ inch Floppy Diskettes (Why two? We recommend you save your work on one, and keep a backup of your work on the other. Floppy diskettes are notoriously unreliable. Always keep a copy of your files on a separate diskette.)
Students may not take an exam until they have finished the assignments leading to the exam. For example, a student may not take the word processing exam without first completing and submitting all of the word processing assignments. The same holds true for spreadsheet assignments/exams and database assignments/exams.
When a student comes to an open lab to take an exam, the Teaching Assistant will verify completion of the assignments prior to allowing the student to take the examination. If the assignments have not been completed, the student will not be allowed to take the examination. The Teaching Assistant will also ask to see a picture ID to confirm your identity. If you do not have a picture ID, you will not be allowed to take the exam.
Count Grade Percentage Assignments 12 30 Exams 3 70
Grade Assignment
Percentage Grade 90 A 87 A- 84 B+ 80 B 77 B- 74 C+ 70 C 67 C- 64 D+ 60 D 57 D- Below 57 F
You can work at your own pace--but not indefinitely. You have 9 months from the day you enroll in which to complete the course. Grades are submitted on semester boundaries. A grade will be submitted for you if you have completed all assignments and exams. Until you complete the course an incomplete will show on your transcript. If you haven't completed the course after 9 months your course grade will default to an F.
Academic Dishonesty
Please review the UMKC policies regarding Academic Dishonesty which can be found at:
Students who are found to be in violation of these policies will receive an F for the course on the first offense. All students involved in the incident of academic dishonesty will receive an F for the course on the first offense. If you submit an assignment or an examination on which you have collaborated with another student, both students will receive an F for the course.
Copyright 1997 by the Curators of the University of Missouri