
Unit 2: Creating More Effective Spreadsheets

Lesson 7: Creating and Modifying Charts

How do you copy and delete charts?

Copying Charts

If you want to create more than one type of chart using the same data, it is simplest to make one chart in the usual way and then copy – or duplicate – it. By making changes to the duplicate, you can see your data in a different way without losing your original chart.

To copy a chart:

  1. Select the chart by clicking on an open area of the chart. (Be careful that you select the chart and not one of the elements in the chart.)
  2. Select the Copy command from the toolbar or Edit menu.
  3. Postion the cursor at the destination location.
  4. Select Paste from the toolbar or Edit menu.

The new chart is independent of the one it was copied from, and can be modified, printed, deleted, or pasted into a word processing document as you wish.

Deleting Charts

If the chart is in a separate sheet, you can delete the sheet or delete just the chart.

To delete a chart:

  1. Select the chart.
  2. Select the Clear/All command from the Edit menu. (You can also select the Cut command from the Edit menu.)

The following animation shows an example of copying, deleting, and moving a chart.

Copying and deleting a chart

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