
Unit 2: Creating More Effective Spreadsheets

Lesson 7: Creating and Modifying Charts

How do you modify and resize a chart?

Modifying a chart

You already know how to create a chart. As a quick review, to create a chart you:

  1. Choose the Chart... command from the Insert menu.
  2. Fill in data and make choices (or accept the defaults) on the four dialog boxes that are presented to you.

To modify a chart you can call up and change the options on any of the four dialog boxes you used to define your chart.

Right-click on an open area of your chart to display a popup menu with your edit options.

Resizing a chart

When you select your chart, handles appear at the corners and sides of your chart. When you position the cursor over one of these handles the cursor shape changes to look like an up-down arrow, a left-right arrow, a diagonal arrow tilted right, or a diagonal arrow tilted left.

When the cursor shape changes you can click and drag to resize or reshape your chart. When you release the mouse, the chart image will automatically change size and shape.

The following animation shows an example of modifying and resizing a chart.

Modifying and resizing a chart

Note: A right mouse click was used in the animation above to display the popup menu over the chart.

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