
Unit 2: Creating More Effective Spreadsheets

Lesson 7: Creating and Modifying Charts

How do you print a chart?

When you print a chart, the options you can specify are:
  1. If the chart is part of a worksheet, you can print the chart alone or along with the data in the worksheet.
  2. Just as there are Page Setup options for printing word processing and spreadsheet documents, there are Page Setup options for printing charts. When you select to print a chart by itself, you have additional Page Setup options that allow you to control the chart size and print quality.
There are many ways to print a chart. In fact, the fastest way to print a chart requires only two mouse clicks. First, click on an open area of the chart you want to print. Second, click on the  icon on the toolbar.

For best results, we recommend the following procedure:

  1. If you want to print the chart alone, select the chart. Otherwise, select the sheet with the chart.
  2. Select Print Preview to see what your document will look like when you do print.
  3. If you want to change any of the Page Setup options, select Page Setup.
  4. When you are satisfied with the selected options, select Print....
The following animation shows an example of printing a chart by itself. The animation also demonstrates how you would print a worksheet with an embedded chart.
Printing a chart
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