Word Processing

Unit 3: Advanced Word Processing Techniques

Lesson 7: Paragraph and Large Block Formatting

How do you set up and use bulleted lists?

Bulleted lists are a special paragraph format.There are two ways to set up a bulleted list. While each method will result in a bulleted list, each method is distinguished by the amount of control you have over the end result, and the amount of effort required.

Bullets and Numbering Dialog Box

The Bullets and Numbering dialog box. To create a bulleted list using the Bullets and Numbering dialog box:

  1. Select or highlight the paragraph you want to convert to an element in a bulleted list. (The paragraph may be empty.)
  2. Choose the Bullets and Numbering... command under the Format menu.
  3. Choose the Numbered tab for numbered lists.
  4. Choose the Outline Numbered tab if you have many levels of bulleting.

The Bullets toolbar button. To change any paragraph into a bulleted or numbered list item, select the paragraph and click the Bullets toolbar button or the Numbered list button .  The Bullets toolbar button can also be used to convert a bulleted list item or paragraph into a plain or non-bulleted paragraph.

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