Word Processing

Unit 1: Introducing Word


At the end of this unit you will be able to:



Introducing Word


The skills covered here are word processing skills that you will learn. They will be covered in a series of lessons, listed below.

You can, of course, complete the lessons in any order.


An understanding of certain concepts is necessary to succeed in the lessons. The following concepts are defined where applicable in the lesson text. You may also click on any concept listed here to see it defined.

  1. What is a word processor?
  2. What is a menu and a menu command?
  3. What is a toolbar and a toolbar tool, button or popup menu?
  4. How does a menu command compare to a toolbar button?
  5. What are the parts of the keyboard?
  6. How does a word processor compare to a typewriter?
  7. How does previewing a document compare to printing a document?
  8. What is a file or document?
  9. What is a disk or diskette?
  10. How does the Return key compare to the Enter key?
  11. What are the three levels of formatting?
  12. What is the insertion bar or cursor?
  13. What is the mouse and mouse pointer?
  14. How does the mouse pointer relate to the insertion bar?
  15. How do the arrow keys compare to the mouse?
  16. What is a scrollbar?
  17. How does saving a document compare to saving a document as something?
  18. What is a folder or directory?
  19. How does a folder or directory compare to a disk or diskette?


Do you know how to recognize disabled menu commands? The following self-check will test your understanding of this and other concepts. (Note, your performance on self-check questions are not recorded. Your course grade is calculated from assignments and exams only.)


(There is no assignment for Unit 1. The first word processing assignment is at the end of Unit 2.)

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